This is an interpretation into the English language of a poem by the scholar-poet Zava Damdin (1976- ). The title in the Mongolian language and its Mongolian Cyrillic script is, “Нэгэн Орчил”.
One Living Universe
Writing one line
Like one flower blossomingWriting one stanza
Like one tree gracefully bearing fruitWriting one poem
Like the birth of a new living beingOne attuned meaning
Like falling in great loveComposing one work of literature
Like sculpting one great statueOne song arises
Like perceiving a miracleOne meditation
Like discovering a continentOne sigh, feels
Like a storm-tossed windOne humble smile
Like the touch of warm sunlightOne’s sadness and crying
Like one big downpourOne deep thought
Like one great mountainOne heart’s excitement
Like a ripple sweeping across vast terrainOne bird’s warbling
Like the sound of one complete and perfect songWhistling wind
Like playing a piece of musicSwaying blade of grass
Like an orchestra conductorOne horse thundering
Like the voice of a BuddhaOne steppe
Like one great oceanOne big sea
Like one great sentient beingDreaming one dream
Like living one’s whole lifeOne person’s life
Like a thick book of literatureOne aging human body
Like one planet and the universeOne death and impermanence
Like Earth’s annihilationOne new birth
Like one new era startingOne old history
Like one new startOne living autobiography
Just a memory in the future
Pure Land of Swoyambhu
Zava Damdin
Translated by Zava Damdin and C.Pleteshner
English interpretation 30.09.2023 from the original Mongolian 27.09.2023
Mongolian Cyrillic Text Version
Нэгэн Орчил
Нэгэн мөр бичих
Нэгэн цэцэг ургаж дэлбээлэх шиг
Нэгэн бадаг бичих
Нэгэн мод найлзаж жимслэх шиг
Нэгэн шүлэг бичих
Нэгэн төрөлхийтэн шинээр төрөх шиг
Нэгэн яруу утга
Нэгэн их хайрыг ундруулах шиг
Нэгэн дуулал ургах
Нэгэн гайхамшиг лугаа учрах шиг
Нэгэн бясалгал хийх
Нэгэн тивийг сонордох шиг
Нэгэн санаа алдах
Нэгэн их салхи шуурга шиг
Нэгэн инээмсэглэл тодруулах
Нэгэн наран мандах шиг
Нэгэн гуниглаад уйлах
Нэгэн их хур буух шиг
Нэгэн гуниглаад уйлах
Нэгэн их хур буух шиг
Нэгэн гүн бодол
Нэгэн их уул шиг
Нэгэн сэтгэл хөдлөхүй
Нэгэн их газар долгисох шиг
Нэгэн шувуу донгодох
Нэгэн дуу дуулах шиг
Нэгэн салхин исгэрэх
Нэгэн хөгжим эгшиглүүлэх шиг
Нэгэн өвс дохилзох
Нэгэн хөгжмийн удирдаач шиг
Нэгэн адуу янцгаах
Нэгэн бурханы хоолой шиг
Нэгэн тал нутаг
Нэгэн их далай шиг
Нэгэн агуу тэнгис
Нэгэн их бодгаль шиг
Нэгэн зүүд зүүдлэх
Нэгэн амьдралд амьдрах шиг
Нэгэн хүмүүний амьдрал
Нэгэн их зохиол шиг
Нэгэн нас бие
Нэгэн гариг ертөнц шиг
Нэгэн үхэл мөнх бус
Нэгэн галав юүлэх шиг
Нэгэн шинэ төрөл
Нэгэн эрин эхлэх шиг
Нэгэн хуучны түүх
Нэгэн шинэ эхлэл шиг
Нэгэн шинэ намтар
Нэгэн ирээдүйн дурсамж шиг
Соёмбот Орон
Зава Дамдин
A Bilingual Collection of Zava Damdin (1976- ) Poetry. Vol. 1 (2021-2024). The Zava Damdin Sutra and Scripture Institute Library Archive, Manjushri Temple Soyombot Oron, Mongolia. Unpublished manuscript. pp28-31.
Excluding the preparatory training and clarity of narrative structure and ideation required, the journey of such compositions tends to move through three phases, starting with: (i) the creation of the original composition with the vertical Mongol Bichig Script; (ii) the subsequent transfer and rendering of this transcript into the Mongolian Cyrillic Script; and then on to, (iii) a (British) English language interpretation, such as you see here. I bring to this interpretive exercise my own particular collection of English language narrative skills and their imagined audiences. From this perspective, a final English language version of a narrative emerges as a negotiated text.
Translation is always an interpretation into another culture.
In keeping with ethical scholarly research and publishing practices and the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, I anticipate that anyone using or translating into another language all or part of this article and submitting it for accreditation or other purpose under their own name, to acknowledge this URL and its author as the source. Not to do so, is contrary to the ethical principles of the Creative Commons license as it applies to the public domain.
end of transcript.
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© 2013-2025. CP in Mongolia. This post is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Documents linked from this page may be subject to other restrictions. Posted: 27 March 2024. Last updated: 27 March 2024.